How I Excel As A Human Capital Management Consultant

No two days are the same in the day of the life of a Human Capital Management consultant. It’s an exciting journey where you get to see your skills bring real results to the clients you are working with. I am a Human Capital Management Implementation Consultant at Covalence Consulting Inc.  We implement, configure, and optimize cloud HCM software for some of the biggest companies in North America. Below I’ve collected some of my top pointers on how I excel for the HR, payroll and/or IT teams I work with everyday.

Here are some of the key skills that deliver results. If you want to provide the best experience possible for your client, while also attaining your project objectives then hone these attributes:

Communicating Effectively 

Communication is key right from the outset of your project. It’s important to understand and define what your task is and what the desired results are right away. Never be hesitant in finding this out – it is key to ensuring you spend your designated project hours on the actual task which has been requested instead of putting out fires later on. If you are a new HCM Consultant you may be eager to start your work and want to get going ASAP, but don’t think that asking for details is a waste of time. It is not! A tip I have is to provide a written post meeting summary which outlines the action items described during the meeting. This simple summary will keep you and the client on the same page and ensure everything progresses as they envision. 

 A big part of effective communication is effective listening. Sometimes a client will be clear on what their anticipated outcomes are. Other times they will know their end objective but not how to get there or what steps need to be taken next. Asking questions about where they are presently with their legacy system and where they want to get with their new cloud-based HCM software will be the difference between delivering a mediocre HCM project and an excellent one. 

Relationship Management

At Covalence Consulting Inc. we always make it a point to treat each client, and each HR/payroll team we work with as unique and distinct from one another. We don’t see an individual or team as simply another ticket – instead we create a lasting relationship with each of them which is built on trust.  I treat my clients as my partner in attaining HCM success. This approach creates the professionally congenial atmosphere which is most conducive to productive work. It’s also a symptom of the fact that I – like all my colleagues here – care about our work. Take this approach no matter what field you consult in and you’ll not only deliver stellar HCM projects, but you will also enjoy the process.

Be clear and consistent in regard to touching base with your clients. This will establish a working relationship in which you both obtain the outcome you want. You will need to continuously follow up to get key project information. Keep in mind that your client is probably helping complete their HCM software project while also doing their normal day-to-day job. There are times your emails will get lost and your calls will go unreturned. Don’t take this personally, but understand the heavy workload they are dealing with. Understanding this will go a long way to creating the kind of productive relationship you should have with them.

Accept Challenges

Each HCM project is different and comes with its own unique challenges. Be sure to never shy away from a new challenge or something you’ve never seen before. Some implementations may require the use of SQL and others may call for even more technical knowledge. Don’t be scared to think outside the box. A big part of having a career in Human Capital Management is a willingness to learn new things and push yourself to be better every day. I’ve worked on projects for very large enterprise level clients and a big part of how I delivered the best solution possible was thinking creatively and going above and beyond. When working with enterprise organizations you’ll be interacting with a variety of people with different experience levels possibly across multiple departments. As a result, you’ll be challenged in many ways as you continually work with a broad spectrum of individuals and teams. Be ready for this with a mindset of acceptance and eagerness.

Think & Act Autonomously 

Remember that you are the expert on HCM when it comes to your implementation or optimization project. Being a good consultant doesn’t mean constantly and blindly saying ‘yes’ to the client. As the subject matter expert on the project you will have to assess when your client’s request will deliver the right outcome and when it won’t. As the expert you should be ready to make suggestions and steer the client in the right direction. It’s your job to provide alternate solutions and the best configuration options. At times you’ll have to establish what is and isn’t feasible, and other times you’ll open their eyes to what is attainable when they thought it wasn’t. Either way, think and act with an eye on the end-goal which is always project success without sacrificing quality.

Check out our website and contact us if you want an experienced team of HCM professionals who consistently deliver high-quality cloud HCM software projects for enterprise clients across North America!